
This website is the primary source for information about GoboLinux.

Starting points


Advanced guides

For tweaking the distro beyond normal use!


Presentation slides

Slides of some GoboLinux presentations.

  • GoboLinux 015 Presented at FISL 15 - Forum Internacional de Software Livre. Porto Alegre, 2014. pdf
  • GoboLinux: uma nova proposta para a árvore de diretórios Unix Presented at Latinoware 2007, IV Latin-American Conference on Free Software, Foz do Iguaçu, 2007. OpenOffice Impress, PDF (Portuguese)
  • GoboLinux. Presented at FISL 4 - Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, Porto Alegre, 2003. OpenOffice Impress (Portuguese),
  • GoboLinux. Presented on SDSL 2003 - Semana de Desenvolvimento em Software Livre, São Leopoldo, 2003. OpenOffice Impress (Portuguese).

Academic publications

This section lists scientific articles related to GoboLinux published by members of the team.

  • MUHAMMAD, Hisham. DETSCH, André. Uma nova proposta para a arvore de diretorios UNIX. Proceedings of the III WSL - Workshop em Software Livre, Porto Alegre, 2002. PostScript (Portuguese), LyX (Portuguese), HTML (English), PostScript (English), LyX (English).
  • DETSCH, André. BEDIN, Guilherme B.;. Distribuição GoboLinux. Proceedings of the IV WSL - Workshop em Software Livre, Porto Alegre, 2003. PostScript (Portuguese).
  • MUHAMMAD, Hisham. JEFFMAN, Rafael G.v Portabilidade e flexibilidade em software livre: a experiencia do GoboLinux Proceedings of the IV WSL - Workshop em Software Livre, Porto Alegre, 2003. PostScript (Portuguese), PDF (Portuguese).
  • DAMASIO, Felipe W. VILLA REAL, Lucas C.GoboHide: Uma Solução Flexível e Escalável para Inodes Ocultos no Kernel Linux Proceedings of the IV WSL - Workshop em Software Livre, Porto Alegre, 2003. PDF (Portuguese),

Older documents

Release notes

Older articles

Many of these are of historical interest only, but they are fun to keep around.

From the archives


Websites that covered GoboLinux:

© 2002-2022
gobo AT gobolinux DOT org